

【◎english translation: hou ya-ting ◎photo by pao chung-hui】

travel through vintage photographs the glory days of hamasen



 the construction of hamasen ushered in kaohsiung's modernization. hamasen is now a southern part of the city's gushan district翻譯社 but this area was once known as a land of opportunity. it still boasts a well-planned grid of streets, and was formerly a thriving commercial area with many banks翻譯社 restaurants, and hotels翻譯社 as well as kaohsiung's original railway station. the sights of hamasen offer glimpses into the area's glorious past. ms. guo yan-ti points out a group photo in one of her grandmother's albums. it was taken around the lunar new year. her grandmother used to work at a bank in yancheng district, on a site which later fell vacant. the building has since been repurposed as a restaurant.



 as a hamasen resident, ms. guo is able to recommend many historic sights in the neighborhood, such as wude martial arts center, kaohsiung daitian temple, the red cross center for children, and sinbin old street. leafing through her grandmother's photos, we see the scenery around gushan ferry station, sinbin old street, and sizihwan beach. ms. guo points at a beach photo taken near shoushan翻譯社 in which her grandmother and her friends are dressed in swimming costumes翻譯社 and accompanied by many children who splash around in the surf. two ladies dressed in kimonos and carrying cute little parasols also appear in the photos翻譯社 and a bamboo raft is set on the beach behind them. ms. guo recalls that翻譯社 when she was young翻譯社 sizihwan bay was a restricted area. residents had to sneak on to the beach if they wished to take a dip in its refreshing waters. the area later became national sun yat-sen university and sizihwan bay.

 standing on the levee at sizihwan翻譯社 looking at sizihwan bay and shoushan翻譯社 while referring to the vintage photograph翻譯社 we see how those bygone scenes have been replaced by what is now in front of our eyes. such historic images enable the imagination to travel through the past from a present-day point of view. these old, yellowing photographs close the distance翻譯社 revealing family stories which are part of the city's common memories.

【◎文/盧昱瑞 ◎攝影/鮑忠暉】

文章來自: https://udn.com/news/story/6967/1613944-%E9%87%8D%E9%81%8A%E8%80%81%E7%85%A7%E7%89%87%E7%9A%84%E8%88有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢天成翻譯社
